The Sales & Marketing Maturity Matrix

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Imagine this. You have just successfully completed a full round of Pro-Skills Analytics Assessments for your sales executives. It identified several skills gaps which your sales training partner fixed. Excellent. Your sales force is working at an optimal level.

But what if their supporting infrastructure wasn't? What if the sales and marketing departments were not at their optimal levels, failing to communicate to each other, delivering poor quality leads, hiring inappropriate people, lacking formal sales and marketing plans, or running outdated IT? Only one thing can happen: your newly trained sales executives’ performance will be hindered.

Welcome to The Sales & Marketing Maturity Matrix: a radically new, and unique, assessment that will shine a light on performance and infrastructure of both sales and marketing departments.

The Maturity Matrix will show you where these departments sit today and, based on your company profile, if they are not yet “optimal,” we will show you where they should sit. Furthermore, we will give you guidance on the tasks necessary to achieve this, ensuring you reach your performance goal.

Sales Assessment dot com is both an official advisor to the Matrix and a reseller.

A world first, this two axis Maturity Matrix will map the position of both sales and marketing departments, as of today, and then show you where they should be.

You now have a clear development goal for all involved.

Spider graphics provide more detail on specific performance indicators, showing areas of strength and areas that will require work in order to reach the next level of maturity.

What else is included?

This is no ordinary assessment report, you will receive a 60 page plan that will allow you to successfully upgrade both departments to the levels you desire.

Together with your results, you will find personalised information for the next steps, together with a full glossary of terms and descriptions of methodologies that you will encounter on your journey.

More about your report.

  1. It is bespoke to you.
  2. It is based on your own input – and it’s quick and accurate.
  3. It’s substantial – over 60 pages.
  4. It covers sales, marketing, and their interaction – critical to ongoing success.
  5. It tells you where you are today in both sales and marketing.
  6. It tells you what you should be aiming for to improve.
  7. It also tells you what we believe the short and medium developments will be across sales and marketing.
  8. It’s based on very broad research, drawn from over 47 years of worldwide experience in sales/trends and marketing, public domain output from professional bodies and multiple other sources, and the combined experience of the fifteen advisors too. We believe this is far more than any other approach delivers.
  9. It will show you where you are weak and strong – the perfect starting point for your actions and growth.


Who should take the assessment?

Between a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 members of staff. This must include a sales leader/manager, marketing leader/manager, and ideally CEO, CRO, board level exec.

How long does it take?

It will take each participant little more than 30 minutes after which the report is instantly generated.

How much does it cost?

We accept over 100 currencies but the price is pegged to the Euro, making the whole report approximately £2,000 (subject to exchange fluctuation).

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